Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Friday Night Open Gym!

Friday Night Open Gym 7:45-9:00pm – Ages 5+ Online Registration = $13 On-Site Registration = $19 Tax included in price* Register Today!

Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Young Inventors Camp

It’s been scientifically proven, this camp is the best! Calling all mad scientists, come experiment with us. Campers will build creative inventions as well as lasting friendships. The day will also include open-gym time, fun games, snacks, and movie time. Bring your friends and your imaginations! Please send the following items with your child: Water […]

Friday Night Open Gym!

Friday Night Open Gym 7:45-9:00pm – Ages 5+ Online Registration = $13 On-Site Registration = $19 Tax included in price* Register Today!

I Have a Dream Camp

Come celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at North Shore! Dream big in the gym while building your confidence and coordination! Join your friends and coaches at this special holiday camp filled with hours of free time in the gym, snack, craft and movie time. Please send the following items with your child: Water bottle […]

Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Laugh Out Loud Camp

No joke, this camp has a sense of humor! Join us at this comical camp where we’ll tell jokes, watch funny movies, and act super silly all day long. Don’t hesitate, sign your kiddo up today and let the games begin! All camps will include fun crafts, games, snack, and movie time. Please send the […]

Friday Night Open Gym!

Friday Night Open Gym 7:45-9:00pm – Ages 5+ Online Registration = $13 On-Site Registration = $19 Tax included in price* Register Today!