Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Friday Night Open Gym!

Friday Night Open Gym 7:45-9:00pm – Ages 5+ Online Registration = $13 On-Site Registration = $19 Tax included in price* Register Today!

World Wildlife Camp

Calling all party animals! Hop, gallop and waddle your way here, but don’t miss the fun! Your little gymnast is bound to go wild in our state-of-the-art gymnasium with their favorite friends and coaches. Snacks, crafts and monkey-ing around included! Please send the following items with your child: Water bottle Snacks are provided (1 for […]

Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Snack Attack Camp

A little something salty, a little something sweet, having a camp like this really is a treat! Sign-up your snack-connoisseur for this tasty camp where we’ll try new and exciting snacks from all around the world. Participants will join in open gym-time, craft-time and of course snack-time where they’ll have the chance to show-and-tell their […]

Pinata Party Camp

Join us for a fun-filled Friday stuffed with extra free-time in the gym. Not only will campers have plenty of fun in our state-of-the-art gymnasium, participants will also partake in piñata making and breaking! There’s no need to candy-coat it, this day camp is guaranteed to be busting with fun! Sign-up today to reserve your […]

Cookie Camp

Chip-chip hooray, this is the best camp day! Sign your little cookie monster up for this delicious camp and they will not only stay and play in our state-of-the-art gymnasium but also decorate and eat cookies. This camp will include gymnastics instruction as well as “free play” in all gymnastics events, snack-time and craft-time. Please […]

Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Cereal Camp

Cereal-ously the most fun you can have at a North Shore! Sign your child up for the day and they will participate in open-gym time and craft-time, as well as try new and exciting cereals at the Cereal bar! Please send the following items with your child: Water bottle Snacks are provided (1 for half […]

Friday Night Open Gym!

Friday Night Open Gym 7:45-9:00pm – Ages 5+ Online Registration = $13 On-Site Registration = $19 Tax included in price* Register Today!

Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online


Preschool Open Gym

North Shore Gymnastics Association 5555 Pioneer Creek Drive, Maple Plain, MN, United States

Ages 1-5 years - $9 Online Registration - Space Limited Register HERE online
